Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment In Hyderabad

Musculoskeletal pain affects bones, joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles. An injury such as a fracture may cause sudden, severe pain. A chronic condition like arthritis may also cause pain. If musculoskeletal pain interferes with your usual activities, speak with a healthcare provider. The right treatment can help relieve the pain.

Musculoskeletal pain can be acute, meaning it is sudden and severe. Or the pain can be chronic (long-lasting). You may have localized pain (in one area of your body), or it may affect your entire body.

What are the types of musculoskeletal pain?

The most common types of musculoskeletal pain include:

► Bone pain: Injuries such as bone fractures or other musculoskeletal injuries cause bone pain. Less commonly, a tumor may cause bone pain.
► Joint pain: Stiffness and inflammation often accompany joint pain. For many people, joint pain gets better with rest and worsens with activity.
► Muscle pain: Muscle spasms, cramps and injuries can all cause muscle pain. Some infections or tumors may also lead to muscle pain.
► Tendon and ligament pain: Ligaments and tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect your joints and bones. Sprains, strains and overuse injuries can lead to tendon or ligament pain.

Causes :

Common causes of musculoskeletal pain include:

► Bone fractures.
► Joint dislocation (when something forces a joint out of its proper position).
► Direct blows to muscles, bones or joints.
► Overuse injuries.
► Poor posture.
► Sprains.

Symptoms :

Your symptoms may vary depending on the cause of your musculoskeletal pain. Common symptoms include:

► Aching and stiffness.
► Burning sensations in the muscles.
► Fatigue.
► Muscle twitches.
► Pain that worsens with movement.
► Sleep disturbances.

Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain :

Your treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause of your musculoskeletal pain. Common treatments include:

► Acupuncture.
► Chiropractic adjustment.
► Occupational therapy.
► Pain relievers.
► Physical therapy.
► Splints.
► Therapeutic massage.

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