Complications of a Knee Replacement

Possible complications of a knee replacement

  • A knee replacement is a common and safe procedure. However, as with any operation there are risks. Your doctor will explain these to you.
  • Most people who have a knee replacement have no complications. If there are any, they are usually minor and can be treated.
  • The risk of having complications depends on your age and general health.

Blood clots or DVT (deep vein thrombosis)

  • Blood clots or DVT (deep vein thrombosis) are possible after a knee replacement because of how the blood flows and clots after surgery. This is often not serious.
  • If you have a blood clot that causes pain or swelling, your doctor can give you anticoagulant medicines to help.
  • A blood clot that forms in the leg can sometimes travel to your lungs (pulmonary embolism). This can cause serious complications.
  • To reduce the risk of blood clots your doctor might suggest wearing compression stockings or taking anticoagulant medicines.

Wound Infection

  • There’s a small chance that your knee wound could get infected after the operation. This is usually treated with antibiotics.
  • If the infection spreads deep into the knee joint, you may need further surgery.

Damage to nerves or tissue

  • During surgery, there’s a chance that a blood vessel, nerve or ligament around the knee joint could be damaged.
  • This is not common and can either be repaired during surgery or will heal afterwards.

Problems with your new knee Most people find their daily life improves after a knee replacement. However, it’s possible that you may have ongoing issues with your new knee, including:

  • problems bending the knee
  • ongoing pain and stiffness
  • the knee being unstable when you stand up or walk

Physiotherapy and certain exercises may help with these problems. Most knee replacements last for about 20 years or more. Depending on when you had the operation you may need another replacement later in life, but this is not common

How to recover from a knee replacement?

It may take several months or longer to fully recover from a knee replacement. This can vary depending on your age and general health. Recovery for a partial knee replacement should be shorter than a total knee replacement. It’s important to follow the advice the hospital gives you on looking after your knee to have a good recovery. Recovering in Hospital After the operation, you’ll spend some time in a recovery room where you may be given medicines to help with the pain. You’ll continue to have painkillers in the days after the operation as your knee will be sore. You’ll have help from nurses and physiotherapists to start walking soon after the operation so you can go home as soon as possible. You’ll need crutches or a walking frame at first. Recovering at Home You can usually go home if your wound is healing well and you can safely get around. Most people can leave hospital 1 to 3 days after the operation. Before you leave, a physiotherapist or occupational therapist will talk to you about managing daily activities and home exercise programmes. Following the exercises early on in your recovery will help with the long-term strength and movement in your knee. A nurse will take out your stitches or clips after about 10 days. You’ll also have a follow-up appointment about 6 weeks after the operation to check you’re recovering well.


  • use crutches or walking sticks at first – go down to 1 crutch then a walking stick when you feel confident
  • try walking without an aid after about 6 weeks if you feel ready
  • get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour to prevent blood clots
  • wait at least 6 weeks to drive again if you’ve had a total knee replacement or 3 weeks if you’ve had a partial knee replacement – check with your doctor that you’re fit to drive
  • avoid twisting your knee, bending down and reaching up as much as possible
  • follow the exercises your physiotherapist has recommended
  • keep your leg raised as much as possible to reduce swelling
  • return to work when you feel ready – this is usually after about 6 to 12 weeks but will depend on the type of work you do


  • do not sit with your legs crossed for the first 6 weeks
  • do not sleep with a pillow under your knee (you do not need to sleep in a special position after the operation)
  • do not kneel on your new knee until your doctor says you can
  • do not stand for long periods of time as this could cause swelling in your ankles
  • do not do household tasks that involve lifting or moving anything heavy (like vacuuming) for the first 3 months
You’ve recently had a knee replacement and you have:

  • throbbing or cramping pain in your leg
  • a high temperature
  • chills and feel shivery
  • oozing or pus from your wound
  • redness, tenderness, swelling or pain in your knee that is not getting better or is getting worse

These could be signs of an infection or a blood clot.

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